Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Patient in need, NY area

Students, I got this email today.  To practice, I would like any of you who are interested to email me your response.  Research the diagnosis and be informed.  I.E.  what questions would you next ask her.  What info/help would you offer.  Thanks

I came across this site while researching lymphatic specialists. I have been
diagnoses with the rare disease, lymphangiomatosis and am currently having
trouble maintaining my fluid output (My stomach swells and I have to get
drained about every 10 days) I have a denver shunt placed to help control
the amount of fluid build-up; however, recently, doctors believe that the
shunt is clogged or obstructed in some fashing. I'm looking for any
information that may help me. If you have any suggestions or recommendations
for doctors I would love to hear them. And because this disease is rare I
understand that there may not be a lot of answers for me, but it's at least
worth a try.
Thanks in advance for you help

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