How to Teach Your First Continuing Education Course

Introduction to some theories of adult learning
·       Teaching Modalities of Interest
·       Adult Learning
·       Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
·       What it means to be an Adult Learner
·       What is learning?
·       The experiential learning cycle
·       Types of Learners
·       Qualities teachers should possess as suggested by Paulo Freirè
·       Institutional Agenda (IA) and Learner’s Agenda (LA)
·       Constructivism
·       What we understand about constructivism
·       Situated Learning
·       Group Dynamics
·       Barriers to Reflections

Teaching design and presentation

§  Learning Outcomes
§  Preparation
§  Preparation and Initiation
o   Environment
o   Set
§  Timekeeping
o   Dialogue
§  Explaining
§  Exploring
§  Critiquing
§  Questioning
§  Summarizing
§  Responding

The Lecture                          

§  Advantages
§  Limitations
§  Structure
o   Set (including environment)
o   Dialogue
o   Interactive Lectures
§  Buzz Groups
§  Brainstorming
§  Interactive Handouts
o   Closure
§  Questions
§  Summary
o   Verbal Style
§  Voice
§  Rate
§  Modulation
§  Emphasis
§  Redundancy
§  Enthusiasm
o   Non-verbal Style
§  Body language
§  Proximity
§  Eye Contact

Workshops and Discussion Groups

·       Learning Outcomes
o   Small groups
o   Group size
o   Interpersonal Issues
o   Space
·       Closed Discussion Groups
·       Workshops
o   Directed cases
o   Role play
·       Open Discussions

Teaching Skills

·       Perception
·       Guided Response
·       Mastery
·       Autonomy
·       Relationship of skills teaching to learning styles
o   Stage 1- Real time demonstration
o   Stage 2- Instructor demonstration with instructor Commentary
o   Stage 3- Instructor Demonstration and Learner Commentary- Three possibilities
§  Instructor takes the lead and learner describes what is happening
§  Instructor follows the learner’s instructions
§  A mixture of both of these
o   Stage 4- Learner Demonstration with Learner Commentary
·       Four stage teaching approach over time
·       Other Approaches

Role Play and Simulated Scenarios

·       Definition
·       Five types of Role Play
·       Running a role play
·       Running a Simulation
·       Non-technical skills

Clinical Teaching

·       Challenges
·       Characteristics of a good clinical teacher
·        Opportunistic teaching
·        Knowing the Learners


·       Benefits vs. Challenges
·       Communities of Practice
·       E-moderating
·        How to design an E-learning Module